Terms and Conditions of Sale
- The price is that ruling on the day of delivery irrespective of date of order or payment sent with order unless otherwise agreed in writing.
- Risk in the goods shall pass to the Buyer at the point that they leave the delivery coupling. Title for the Goods shall pass as soon as the Goods have been paid for in full
- All prices are quoted excluding VAT and VAT will be added at the pervaing rate.
- All transactions are "cash on delivery" unless previous witten arrangement is made with J PINNOCK SERVICES LIMITED.
- Cheques shall not be regarded as payment until honoured by the customers bank.
- Any dishonoured cheques will render the customer liable to a £20 handing charge.
- J PINNOCK SERVICES LIMITED reserve the right to refuse delivery of product without liability as a result of non-payment or partial payment.
- Customers requesting specific delivery times, "Out of hours" or emergency deliveries may be liable to a surcharge at J PINNOCK SERVICES LIMITED discretion.
- Failed deliveries may be liable to a surcharge at J PINNOCK SERVICES LIMITED discretion
- Customers with awkward or restricted access necessitating the use of a small tanker may incur a surcharge depending on the degree of difficulty.
- It is the responsibility of the customer to provide a suitable storage vessel or vessels for delivery of and storage of the product ordered.
- J PINNOCK SERVICES LIMITED reserve the right to refuse delivery of product without liability due to any unsuitable, poorly maintained, incorrectly installed or damaged storage vessel or vessels.
- J PINNOCK SERVICES LIMITED cannot be held liable for any storage vessel, vessels or pipe work that fails after delivery has taken place.
- It is the responsibility of the customer to provide safe access for the tanker wagon and it its crew from the highway to the storage vessel or vessels to be delivered to.
- It is the responsibility of the customer to disclose any information to J PINNOCK SERVICES LIMITED that could prevent damage or injury to themselves, the environment, J PINNOCK SERVICES LIMITED, third parties or the general public.
- It is the responsibility of the customer to ensure that there is sufficient ullage in the storage vessel to accept the quantity ordered.
- Customers are to accept J PINNOCK SERVICES LIMITED measurement of quantity through duly certified metering equipment.
- J PINNOCK SERVICES LIMITED will retain the title of the product until paid for in full. all risks for the product shall pass to the customer at the point that the product leaves J PINNOCK SERVICES LIMITED delivery coupling.
- The receipt of goods implies customers acceptance of these conditions which constitute a legally binding contract with J PINNOCK SERVICES LIMITED.